Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Shame on me..but here I am now..Let's Talk about Trees

Shame on me for not having posted here in a while. Please forgive me. I've been a wee bit busy as of late. I am again.:0)
And here are a few gardening tips for you!
Let's talk about Trees:
This is the time of year when those that have had a garden this Spring and Summer have begun the process of either sowing their Fall gardens in areas that still have not encountered freezing temperatures(things like broccoli,snow peas, and lettuces), or for those that have already encountered frosty evenings or even snow those gardens have been laid to rest for the year.
What has been leftover has been either tilled under, or uprooted and cast into the compost bins to become soil addends for next Spring.Or quickly canned up
to use for the winter pantry.
So, what to do when the garden season has drawn to a close?

Start planning for the next season!
If you had the joy of planning and planting out your first garden this past year you have no doubt learned quite a bit through the process. A few of the what to do's and what not to do's. Write these things down in a garden journal. Yes!... you should create a garden journal if you have not done so yet.
In another post I will share with you how to start a garden journal, so don't panic if you hadn't thought of that... you can just start one for next year. No worries.
Anyhow..back to the topic... that the garden has been put to rest you can start planning for next year.
I'd like to suggest that you start thinking about trees.
Do you have trees in your garden area,or in your yard that are actually dual purpose trees? Trees that provide both shade and food?
If not, this is the time to start thinking about expanding what you grow to
include fruit or nut bearing trees.
Gardening does not just include a vegetable plot, but gardening also includes fruit and nut producing specimens as well.
Early Spring is a good time to purchase and plant fruit trees and nut trees. Why? Because if you live in an area prone to freezing temperatures and you try to plant trees right ahead of frosty temperatures or snowy nights...well your trees will suffer. The young trees will not have had a chance to get their roots established well enough to withstand the elements. Where as trees planted in early spring have a little bit better chance to slowly get themselves established for the seasonal changes to come.That is not to say that some specimens can't be planted in the Fall, you just must be very careful that the tree has plenty of time to begin to get established before cold and freezing weather sets in.Root systems on young saplings/young trees are tender.
When choosing a fruit or nut tree variety do your research!
Look at the growth descriptions of the plant. How tall does it grow? How wide do the branches spread out? How long does the tree live?

Also an important thing to consider..what zone does this plant grow best in?
What are the water requirements? Does it need fertilizer, or any soil amendments to grow at its best?
Does it need another tree to help pollinate it to bear fruit?
Is it actually something that you and your family will enjoy eating the fruit from?
These are all factors to consider in your choices.
Then, by all means..when your tree or trees arrive from the nursery..that is if you have ordered them from a catalog or other source. Make sure that you follow the planting directions. Don't get in a hurry and think that you can just plop a tree in the ground and be done with it, and that you will have stellar results. It doesn't quite work that way.
Take your time and read the planting instructions.Make sure that you dig the hole properly. That you have the root ball at the correct depth. That you have adjusted the roots properly to allow them to spread out and to be able to grip the soil.
One thing that folks tend to do with young trees is they plant them, then forget them.
Please do not do this. Your young trees will need plenty of water for the first several months to 6 months, to even a year after being planted to establish their root systems properly.Of course do not drown them either. If you notice any curling of the young tender leaves, chances are your tree could use a bit of water.
Now where to find sources for good nut and fruit trees?
Here are some places to get you started.
Now is the time to request catalogs from these companies. It is always fun to start getting gardening catalogs in the late Fall and early December when the gardens have been laid to rest..that is the time when we can fight a bit of the cabin fever that winter chill brings by pouring over lovely photos of things that we wish to grow and plotting and planning out next years gardens.
Provides some heirloom varieties of Apple Trees, also dwarf varieties for those with small yards.Cherry trees, blackberries, blueberries and more.
Provides Banana trees, and fig trees,pomegranates and more.

~The Victory Gardener!~

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