But..in the long run what is all of this "super convenience" really doing to the health of all of us?
( and studies show that diseases like diabetes and more have nearly doubled in the last 10 yrs!)
So much for our fast, easy, convenient life style huh?
Anyhow... so..I for one will begin growing a lot of my families fruits and veggies when I get located to a new home.I want to know where our food is coming from..and how it is grown.
I have for quite a while been fascinated with things like growing heirloom varieties of fruit, vegetables, flowers.
Types of seed that are not genetically modified by big whig companies that think they have to control America's crops and use pesticides on seeds and hybridize everything.
But my interest is in saving the heirlooms..the true to strain varieties of seed that have been passed on from generation to generation of good old fashioned farmers and families whose aim was/is to preserve the proper ways of farming and growing food, and not tainted by who knows what kind of pesticide/chemical
So with that goal in mind I have been collecting seed for several years now. Flower seed, vegetable seed and herb seeds.
I whole heartily believe in saving and growing these untainted seeds...and preserving a way of life former workers of the land strove to preserve and pass on to other generations that would come to understand just how important preserving these things really is..
So..with that in mind..and if you too believe that providing food for your family..where you know where your food is coming from, and how it is grown/and knowing that it is not hybridized or tainted by who knows what type of new pesticide now... is important to the health and well being of your family and yourself...
I'd like to share with you a few websites about the Victory Gardens of the past.About a time when having a garden in the backyard was a pretty "NORMAL" thing.
Having a garden/growing your own vegetables does not mean you have to have a large area of land to do so.
You can grow plenty of food in a 10 by 10 square area or less, in pots, on a balcony, just because you do not have acreage should in no way be a deterrent.
First up..I'd like to share with you a link to a War Times Victory Garden Manual(copyright 1919) Some of the information in it is still useful today:
And a 1944 copy of a Victory Garden manual:
Having a garden/growing your own vegetables does not mean you have to have a large area of land to do so.
You can grow plenty of food in a 10 by 10 square area or less, in pots, on a balcony, just because you do not have acreage should in no way be a deterrent.
First up..I'd like to share with you a link to a War Times Victory Garden Manual(copyright 1919) Some of the information in it is still useful today:
And a 1944 copy of a Victory Garden manual:
~Happy Gardening~
(Image courtesy of Victory Garden Public Domain image)